I think the true gardener is a lover of his flowers, not a critic of them.
I think the true gardener is the reverent servant of Nature, not her truculent, wife-beating master.
I think the true gardener, the older he grows, should more and more develop a humble, grateful and uncertain spirit.
Reginald Farrer, In a Yorkshire Garden, 1909

Saturday, September 18, 2010

An introduction

My powder puff
Today marks my entry into the blogging world of gardening. Been thinking what to call the blog. Finally decided on "Gardening Pleasures". Gardening should be an enjoyment. It should be fun and relaxing. Its definitely a good way to de-stress from work and other pressures. In addition, it livens and beautify the surroundings, making the garden a relaxing place to watch and be in.

However, there is a difference between watching and enjoying someone's well articulated garden and getting your hands dirty working the soil, planting, trimming and keeping the weeds out. The difference is in the level of satisfaction. Gardening, to me, is definitely about burying my hands into the soil. Satisfaction comes from putting in a good amount of effort to carve a bare piece of land into a work of art. However, I do believe its always a work in progress, changing the picture from time to time according to the mood, taste and for some others, season. As I live in a tropical country, the season here is the same throughout the year.

I am aware of the thousands, perhaps tens of thousand of bloggers out there who are way ahead of me when it comes to knowledge and experience about gardening. With this blog, I look forward to sharing what I know and hope to expand my knowledge by learning from others what I don't.

My Japanese rose
Still a newbie, I started to indulge myself in gardening about 4 months back. Its amazing what one can learn when there is deep interest, and oh yes with a piece of land ready to work on. It must have been the land that sparked the gardener in me, perhaps! :) Its been quite an experience, a whole new world to explore. Its one thing to troop into a plant nursery to purchase an array of foliage and flowers for a garden and admire from there onwards but its quite another thing, a more rewarding one I would add, to grow your own and to learn the names of various plant species and their individual characteristics/behaviors. Plants are, afterall, a living thing.

Gardening without the knowledge of plants, in my opinion, is bound for failure. But having said that, failures are sometimes necessary as they provide opportunities for us to learn from our mistakes and to improve our techniques.

To those visiting this blog, I welcome you and hope you will visit again. Please leave a comment or two for making acquaintances.



  1. Congratulations on the startup of your gardening blog. No 2 gardens are the same. Let this virtual space be a diary/notebook of your gardening adventures. Let the journey begin...

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words, Autumn Belle. Indeed, the journey has begun :)


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